When the CTO Sneaks in Some Coding: A Journey Back to Functional Programming

Join Darren, a CTO with a hidden coding passion, on a thrilling journey into functional programming's allure. From the joy of coding to the elegance of immutable states, discover why even seasoned leaders find bliss in continuous learning.

When the CTO Sneaks in Some Coding: A Journey Back to Functional Programming
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Today, I thought I'd shed some light on a little secret: even in the glamorous (and sometimes hair-pulling) role of a CTO, I occasionally sneak into the codebase for some delightful coding sessions. However, let's get one thing straight: while my heart still leaps at the sight of a fresh script, I try my best to avoid being smack dab in the middle of the delivery path. Why? Simply because a barrage of meetings, decisions, and strategy sessions often gang up against my noble coding intentions.

However, my title of 'CTO' doesn't serve as an invisibility cloak to shield me from learning. It's quite the opposite. My role demands that I'm not just working, but enabling - guiding my team, setting the right paths, and ensuring our tech is always ahead of the curve.

But enough of the CTO talk. Let's dive into my recent affair with functional programming.

Functional Programming: A Retro Love Story

If coding languages were musical genres, functional programming would be my jazz. It's intricate, elegant, and offers a refreshing perspective on solving problems.

Recently, while playing around with a functional system (yes, that's how CTOs relax), I stumbled upon a conundrum: I needed to mutate some state. I was on the brink of resorting to the old ways when, with a spark of inspiration, I realized I could achieve my goal using a pure function. Eureka!

This tiny pivot had a domino effect: I began breaking tasks into smaller functions, each clearer and more focused than the last. Before I knew it, I had an elegant design, all singing the harmonies of functional programming.

Why I'm Head Over Heels for Functional Programming

Reflecting on this experience made me question: why do I, a seasoned CTO, still get giddy about functional programming?

  1. Immutable State of Mind: Functional programming teaches us to avoid changing things. And when you're dealing with complex systems, this immutable nature is a blessing, reducing a lot of potential bugs and headaches.
  2. Simplicity is Key: With functional programming, you're encouraged to break tasks into smaller chunks. This leads to cleaner, more understandable code, making life easier for both the writer and the reader.
  3. Elegance and Efficiency: When done right, functional code can be both beautiful and efficient, striking a balance that's often hard to achieve.

In conclusion, my foray into coding, even in a leadership role, reminds me of the ever-evolving nature of technology. The tech world is vast and ever-changing, and there's always something new to learn, even for a CTO.

And if there's one thing I want you to take away from this post, it's this: Never stop learning. Dive into that new framework. Tinker with that coding language. Even if you're the CTO.

Until next time, keep those functions functional!

Your friendly neighborhood CTO.